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Chickens at 6 monthsBy the time you’ve kept chickens at 6 months, you’re probably already enjoying eggs for a while now. If you find that those first eggs are small, misshapen or have weak shells, don’t worry, practice makes perfect and as time goes by the eggs will become more consistent.

Pullets usually start laying around 20 weeks of age with peak production occurring around 27 to 30 weeks of age. Peak production means that it is the highest rate of lay in your flock. Excellent peak production during this time would be between 80 to 90 percent. This means that on a given day, 80-90 percent of your birds will lay an egg. Nutrition, housing conditions, weather, breed and lighting, as well as management will all play a part in how many eggs each pullet will lay.

You should gather eggs frequently, at least three times per day. This is particularly important during hot weather. Eggs that will be used for eating should be refrigerated. Frequent collection and refrigeration keeps the eggs fresher, cleaner and decreases the chance for broken eggs. Eggs intended to be used for hatching should be stored at 55°F and 70 to 75 percent humidity. When maintained at the correct temperature hatching eggs can be stored for up to 6 days with no effect on hatchability.

After peak production occurs, the rate of lay will decrease by about 1 to 1.5 percent each week. Following 10 to 14 months of laying eggs, the pullet’s rate of lay will be very low and molting may occur. Continue feeding Purina® Layena® Sunfresh® Recipe free-choice and be sure there is always fresh water available.